The Onion Prince and his Leek Maid
A Folktale of the Mandragora Kingdom

Poem by: Ruckus Fiddlesticks
Illustrations by: Jimikatdraws
(A Folklore Fanwork based on Final Fantasy XVI)
Text-Only Version for Screenreaders

The Tale of The Onion Prince
By Fiddlestix
The Onion Prince had teary eyes
A paper-thin-skinned cutie
Who learned his folks wed not for love
But out of solemn duty

He wailed to all twelve gods above
That if he were to bond
He’d only take a lover
For whom he was truly fond

No promises of shining gil
Nor social obligation
Could sway the lad from pining for
For a lass beneath his station

Sweet lowborn Leek was mild and meek
And filthy ‘tween her layers
But while the Garlic Jester scorned,
He’d heed no court naysayers

So Onion planned to beg her hand
One fine midsummers’ eve
His parents couldn’t understand
Why nobles lines he’d cleave

The prince’s dad was hoppin’ mad,
A red Tomato King
His mum the Mandragora Queen
Refused to bless the ring

But oh, sweet Leek, a darling lass
She squeaked a timid “yes!”
And so they stole away to stroll
Til vows they could confess

At last they fled the garden bed
Beneath Menphina’s moon
To hold to hope that they’d elope
At the Twelve’s Sanctum, soon

They pranced across the dewy fields
Planned hand in hand to ramble
Till noblemen caught up with them
Within a patch of bramble

For they had shocked the garden court
Who planned a cruel attack
Arranging fine-frocked new consort
They’d take the leek maid back

An Eggplant Knight gave both a fright
Because he sought to snatch her!
The onion prince lept to defense
Lest Nightshades would dispatch her!

He bore a common kitchen blade
‘Twas sharp to cleave the heart
While swearing vows to his leek maid
Brave Onion fell apart

Leek shrieked and screamed as every dream
Laid layered upon the ground
She took him to a stewing pot
Stayed with him, safe and sound

The tale’s been told since days of old
But one tradition stuck:
To give new brides an onion bulb
For true love’s tender luck

And that’s why joyful maidens cry
When they become a wife
Remembering an allium
Who loved and gave his life

If tears are shed while two are wed
It’s said that ever since
All crying jags in years ahead
Are for the Onion Prince.
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